Sponsored by CANPACK
Sometimes even a good insight is not enough. Then the perfect packaging steps in.
Launching a new product or brand on the market is always a big challenge. Many ideas, including the seemingly good ones, are not successful. But then there are some that do manage to become part of consumers’ lifestyles and shopping habits. How do these ideas differ from the ones which fail to break into the consumer mainstream? Well, they are the ones that meet the needs of consumers, the so-called insights, which are sometimes hidden so deep that consumers are not even aware of them. A properly identified and addressed insight is what determines a product’s market success.
However, sometimes even the best insight seems to be insufficient. Why?
At CANPACK, we are convinced that exceptional products deserve exceptional packaging. In the spirit of the saying "Differentiate or die", manufacturers and brands cannot afford mediocre product packaging. This is why, in order to create and maintain long-term consumer awareness, it is crucial to look for packaging ideas that will allow products to shine on the crowded store shelves.

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CANPACK is a producer of innovative and environmentally friendly packaging: aluminum beverage cans, glass bottles, metal food packaging and crown caps. Over our thirty years in the business, we have developed a flexible, effective and mutually beneficial strategy of close cooperation with customers. Our guiding principle is an individual approach to customers, focused on delivering the solutions addressing their particular challenges. Our service covers the entire process of packaging production - from concept, through design, to production and delivery.
Our services and activities include:
- Support in identifying consumer insights and inspiration;
- Dedicated training for marketing teams and creative agencies to build awareness of the packaging production process and use this knowledge later, in day-to-day work;
- Cooperation with agencies to help them take full advantage of the technical possibilities of print and the special effects available;
- Participation in "Innovation Days" to present and discuss CANPACK’s offer, the market trends, as well as to brainstorm concepts for new packaging or visual solutions, such as:
- Special effects to support branding and graphic design;
- Technical innovations to enhance the added value of a product;
- Printing solutions to support brands’ promotional activities;
- Dedicated industrial design tailored to specific needs (e.g., CP Glass "Book of Ideas").
- Support at the design stage to maximize the use of technological possibilities of cans;
- Test printing to check the final effect before commission of production;
- Verification of creative concepts via the Virtual Store and Eyetracking technologies to minimize risk;
- Print preparation and execution.
Among the services listed above, we attach particular importance to special effects. We currently offer over 20 different can decoration options, including touch-and-feel effects, thermo- and photoactive effects, as well as printing on can ends, along with solutions to support the promotional campaigns of a customer.

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Here are some examples of effects which are increasingly popular and which perfectly fit the consumer trends – in this case, the customization trend:
- Multiprint – enabling print of 24 different projects in one production series;
- Quadromix – enabling print of four different projects in one production series within one color palette;
- Duomix/Complexmix – enabling print of two completely different designs in one production series.

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This year, we have also introduced a new, unique touch-and-feel effect in our offer called Satin Effect, which gives packaging a unique matte finish and resembles soft fabric to the touch.
To learn more about our offer, visit our booth at the BrauBeviale Trade Fair, November 12-14, 2019, Nuremberg, Hall 4A, Stand 419.
Contact Information
31-358 Kraków, ul. Jasnogórska 1
phone: +48 12 662 34 03
fax: +48 12 662 34 19