The briefing on the latest developments
The news and data you need to know about the packaging industry
Evian receives global carbon neutral certification
Evian receives global carbon neutral certification across its sites globally, following the standard PAS 2060 issued by the Carbon Trust.
Waste management company Biffa announces £1.25bn investment over the next 10 years in ‘green economy infrastructure’.
Decreasing black plastic use in UK packaging continues
A RECOUP report estimates that the amount of black packaging used in the UK fell from 36,000 tonnes to 10,000 tonnes going into 2020.
New research by Amcor forecasts the European online grocery market to grow 66% by 2023. The research indicates that sustainability is the main consumer focus.
further reading
Tearfund report highlights plastic pollution footprint by drinks firms
A recent report from NGO Tearfund estimates that the open burning of four big drinks firms’ plastic products in six focus countries equates to the equivalent of roughly 4.6m tonnes of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere each year.
Source: The Guardian