A new view on stamping foils for the Graphic industries with innovative brand enhancement of POS products
Research & Development
Environmental Protection
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Product Overview

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A new view on stamping foils for the Graphic industries with innovative brand enhancement of POS products
UNIVACCO is one of the most innovative vacuum and coating firms in the world, providing various decorative and functional foils which covered Hot stamping foils, Cold foils, Holographic foils and Digital foils. Immerse your products in the vibrant array of colours of our foils and as portrayed by the UNIVACCO rainbow logo, shower a rainbow of affection on your customers.
As the branch office of Univacco Technology Inc., a company that does business around the globe – Univacco Foils Holland BV is in a position to offer its customers the entire powerhouse of competencies of a global market leader of stamping foils for the graphic industries. The commitment and hard work of the highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce ensures perfect customer service. Moreover, high-tech production- and slitting facilities as well a constant quality checks in manufacturing guarantee quality standards that meet the demands of a premium brand.
Research & Development

Research & Development
UNIVACCO, which stands for UNIque VAcuum COating, is a brand dedicated to its technical edge and core competencies—precision coating, vacuum metalizing, and chemical formulation. Throughout the R&D expertise, global clients consulting and troubleshooting, and comprehensive market insight, UNIVACCO is prominent in providing support and solutions across a wide-range markets and applications.
“Integrity, Pragmatism, Gratitude, Appreciation” has been followed as the core value of UNIVACCO since its establishment. While pursuing corporate sustainable development and global layout, the Company concurrently adheres to the right track principle of integrity and pragmatism, particularly executing the operational concept of gratitude and appreciation. We proactively create corporate value and optimize corporate governance, understanding and responding to the demand of stakeholders and markets, and implement the promotion of a sustainable environment, as well as identify and support the expectation from society. UNIVACCO has committed to continuously promote its positive influences to join forces with the general society and create a happier, fairer, and more helpful environment and life through learning and growth.
Information´s and achievements on Environmental Protection
Green Management System
Green Supply Chain
Green Materials
Green Process
Green Electricity
Recycling & Reuse
Green applications
Environment-, Energy- and Greenhouse gases Management implemented
Suppliers and Forwarders are required and audited to follow green material procedures
- Developments of low VOC recipes
- Low carbon recipes
- Water base recipes
- no waste water generation during manufacturing process
- increased 22% adoption of water-based resins
- 33% VOC emissions
- More than 100,000 kWh green power purchased
- 99% of VOCs removed by RTO
- 40% reuse ratio of solvents and resins
- Reuse of packing materials as well as reduction of packaging waste
- Cooperation with best in class partners for recycling of used PET rolls
- Research and Development of new products which offer less make ready times, less waste sheets before production start and less energy required.
- Long term Focus on eco-friendly transfer foil products without any plastics carriers being applied to packaging substrates and which are easy to recycle
- “SEF” Cast & Cure film with max. possible reusability performance of our films

ISO 9001
OHSAS 18001:2007
TOSHMS CNS 15506:2011
ISO 50001:2011
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 14064-1:2006
ISO 14067-3:2013
Suppliers and Forwarders are required and audited to follow green material procedures
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
Energy Management System Standards
Environmental Management Standards
Greenhouse Gas Verification
Product Carbon Footprint Verification
Cold Foils - Metallic Effects for Sheet-fed Offset & Narrow Web applications
Sheet-fed Offset
CF6.2-series New UV overprintable series with Ultra High Gloss
for extremely fine to very large cold foiling designs
Narrow Web
CF4.6R-A General Cold Foil for fine to large stamping designs with superb overprintability
CF4.6S Cold Foil for shrink sleeve applications
CF4.6DU Double-sided Gold Cold Foil for brilliant reverse effects
Hot Stamping Foils – for a very large range of different substrates and stamping requirements
777 Suitable for UV varnishes and OPP laminates with extremely fine definition design
TS-series Suitable for UV varnishes and OPP laminates with small to medium coverage
OF-series Suitable for overprinting with UV inks and UV varnishes
U-series (various) Suitable for overprinting conventional inks
Holographic Foils realized with seamless effects as Cold Foil, Hot Stamping Foil or Lamination Film
CF5.1Y UV overprintable holographic Sheet-fed Offset Cold Foil
CF4.2S UV overprintable holographic Narrow Web Cold Foil
TS-/7xx-series Hot Stamping Foils for various surfaces and large range of applications
Special Effect Foils (SEF) for Cast & Cure applications
SEF CnC in a large range of holographic patterns, lens designs and possibility for customizations
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UNIVACCO Foils Holland BV
Havenweg 1
5145 NJ Waalwijk, The Netherlands
t: +31 (0) 416 300 900