The briefing on the latest packaging developments
The trends and data you need to know about the industry
In numbers
23 billion
The estimated number of plastic bags used by New Yorkers each year; a new law banning single-use plastic bags in the state hopes to drastically reduce this number.
Source: Compelo
The reduction in plastics packaging that P&G Fabric Care Brands have committed to achieve by 2025.
Source: Packaging Europe
The recycling rate for paper and cardboard packaging waste reached in the EU in March, a record high.
Source: PackagingNews
The amount of post-consumer recycled waste international food and drink group Princes is moving to use for shrink wrap packaging on its UK manufactured products.
Source: Packaging Today
The amount of recycled plastic that Coca-Cola Australia’s network has pledged to use in its bottles by the end of the year.
Source: just-drinks
The anticipated value of the Indian packaging industry by 2020, according to a new study.
Source: Packaging Gateway
In the pipeline:
Zero-waste shops could be quietly ending excess packaging
Zero-waste shops are starting to slowly proliferate, with estimates that there are currently somewhere in the region of 200 in Britain. Catering both to sustainability and wellness, the shops could be vital to reducing the amount of packaging that goes to waste.
Source: The Guardian