In this issue
Issue 60 • September 2021

Welcome to issue 60 of Inside Packaging.
As the punishing effects of climate change dominate the headlines, we in the packaging industry can ‘enjoy’ the (temporary) relief of not being as in the eco-spotlight as wildfires and flash-flooding. We can rest assured, however, that the spotlight will be back on us again very soon.
This respite has given us the opportunity to regroup, take stock and line up the messages we need to convey that promote both our environmental awareness and our credentials. In this issue of Inside Packaging, we learn more, for example, about how one company is working on the ‘sachet solution’.
We also hear from the Waste & Resources Action Programme about how the willingness to be as environmentally friendly as possible is driving the consumer’s purchasing decisions. Our industry has a captive audience; it’s time to capture it.
Elsewhere, we consider the marketing opportunities that abound in packaging, such as the use of artwork – and its subsequent management – as well as ‘connected’ and ‘smart packaging’. We’ve got more on all of these on our pages.
Enjoy the show!
Olly Wehring, editor