Welcome to the latest edition of Inside Packaging! 

In this issue, we bring you a comprehensive look at the latest developments shaping our industry. 

In our Briefing Section, stay informed with the latest news impacting the packaging sector, explore the deals that are causing waves, and delve into the most significant data and statistics in packaging. Our Project Updates segment will keep you up to date with notable projects driving innovation in packaging. 

In our In-Depth Section, we explore cutting-edge machinery redefining packaging, dive into the eco-friendly trends revolutionising palletising and end-of-line packaging, and examine the role of form, fill, and seal in branding, safety, and sustainability. Discover the future of clear PET and the decline of coloured plastic, as well as the latest advancements in inspection and detection. Additionally, don't miss our insightful interview on how packaging can elevate the experiential retail journey. 

Mohamed Dabo, editor