Maximize convenience
with re-sealable packaging
Our pressure sensitive re-closeable label is incorporated into your package to maintain freshness while providing tamper evidence.Spear Seal provides a convenient closure with minimal set-up costs.
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Product Options:
Spear Seal® is available for rigid and semi rigid trays, stand up pouches, quad seal bagsand other flexible applications
• Suitable for refrigerated, frozen and high
moisture environments
• High oxygen barrier materials and tamper
evidence available
• Customizable adhesive and opening feature
Operational Advantages:
• In-line vision systems to deliver
die-cut and label placement
• Web widths up to 660mm, multiple labels
• GFSI recognized Food Safety System
Certification FSSC 22000
(ISO 22000 + PAS 223)
• Suitable for HPP process
• Runs on HFFS and VFFS equipment
How it works:
Using proprietary equipment, Constantia Flexibles prints and applies a pressure sensitive label to pre-printed flexible film.The film is then die cut to provide the consumer with a re-closeable feature.
Product Benefits:
Spear Seal® technology provides theconsumer with an intuitive and convenientre-sealable package.
• Maintains product freshness
• Quick and easy to open and close
• Approved for CFIA and FDA indirect
food contact
• Minimal capital investment
Our Comprehensive Approach:
By focusing on functional package performance and application, our process includes all relevant partners such as adhesive and film suppliers, co-packers, brand owners and equipment manufacturers.
Maintains product freshness
Quick and easy to open and close
Approved for CFIA and FDA indirect food contact
Tray and flexible applications available